Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Speech Outline Essay - 861 Words
Danny Mendoza 3/5/13 English 14 Prof. Mareneck Informative Speech Joaquà n Guzmà ¡n Loera Thesis Statement: How Joaquà n Guzmà ¡n Loera became a mythical figure in Mexico, both a narco folk hero and a villain Main Points: His beginnings/ Birth Rise to Power/ Control of the Sinaloa Cartel Legend of â€Å"El Chapo††¢ Born on April 4, 1957, to a poor family in the rural town of La Tuna Badiraguato, his abusive father kicked him out of the house as a child. He started swelling oranges to feed himself. Hes poorly educated, his formal education ended in third grade, and as an adult, he has reportedly struggled to read and write, prevailing upon a ghostwriter, at one†¦show more content†¦His cohorts from Sinaloa, Arturo and Hector Beltran Leyva, regularly brought him suitcases of cash so he could grease the wheels of power inside the prison and continue his drug lifestyle, including specially prepared meals and conjugal visits from his wife, girlfriends and prostitutes. His friend, ally and relative by marriage, Juan Jose Esparragoza Moreno, alias El Azul, made sure that Guzmans product got to the United States without interference from his rivals. He paid every official he can think of to continue what he was doing best, operating a drug cartel. †¢ Indicted in San Diego in 1995 for money laundering and conspiracy to import tons of cocaine. His more creative means of transport included transferring the powder inside fire extinguishers and cans labeled CHILI PEPPERS. †¢ Escaped from the Puente Grande prison in Jalisco, Mexico in 2001, by bribing guards to smuggle him outside via a laundry truck; a federal investigation later led to the arrest of 71 prison officials. In addition to the prison-employee accomplices, police in Jalisco were paid off to ensure he had at least 24 hours to get out of the state and stay ahead of the military manhunt. The story told to the guards being bribed was that Joaquà n Guzmà ¡n was smuggling gold out of the prison, ostensibly extracted from rock at the inmate workshop. The escape allegedly cost Joaquà n $2.5 million. Puente Grande (BigShow MoreRelatedOutline Of A Speech Outline Essay768 Words  | 4 PagesInformative Speech Outline Specific Goal: To show the interconnectedness of three iconic events/figures that got their start on my birthday. 2013 – The U.S. federal government shuts down non-essential services after it is unable to pass a budget measure. 1957 – First appearance of In God we trust on U.S. paper currency. 1949 – The People s Republic of China is established and declared by Mao Zedong. I. Introduction A. 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